Autor, que porque hayas escuchado dos canciones que digan "my mind" no quiere decir que todas la digan. Por favor, ten un poco de sentido común y no mandes mierdas como estas.
"Thunderstruck", "500 miles", "See you again","Blame Canada", "Let her go","Sweet Caroline", "Lean On", "Say it, just say it", "Sun is shinning","Her comes the sun","Wasted","Songs of innocence","Shock me all night long","Too original","Don't stop me now","Dangerous","Something Big","Thrift Shop","Back in black","Imma be","Wake me up","Lollypop","Joker and the thief","Make it bun dem","Timber","Everybody Needs a best friends","Good Feeling","The nights","Waiting for love","The days","The fox","Clarity","You make me","Legacy","Footlose","The time","Hey now","Trumpets","Demons","The man","Am I wrong","Viva la vida", "Blame","Yesterday","Albatroz","Maps","Talk Dirty","Eye of the tiger","Miss alissa","Changes". Estas son unas pocas canciones aliens, y no pongo mas por el limite de caracteres.
#8 #8 fetogordo dijo: Sinceramente solo conozco una canción en inglés que diga ''My mind''...@fetogordo la que yo conozcos son dos
break my mind y this is the end
#7 #7 orejoan dijo: "Thunderstruck", "500 miles", "See you again","Blame Canada", "Let her go","Sweet Caroline", "Lean On", "Say it, just say it", "Sun is shinning","Her comes the sun","Wasted","Songs of innocence","Shock me all night long","Too original","Don't stop me now","Dangerous","Something Big","Thrift Shop","Back in black","Imma be","Wake me up","Lollypop","Joker and the thief","Make it bun dem","Timber","Everybody Needs a best friends","Good Feeling","The nights","Waiting for love","The days","The fox","Clarity","You make me","Legacy","Footlose","The time","Hey now","Trumpets","Demons","The man","Am I wrong","Viva la vida", "Blame","Yesterday","Albatroz","Maps","Talk Dirty","Eye of the tiger","Miss alissa","Changes". Estas son unas pocas canciones aliens, y no pongo mas por el limite de caracteres. @orejoan
#4 #4 abca98 dijo: Pues se me ocurre la del final de Portal, Still alive.Vaya chorrada de meme.@abca98 ¿Still Alive no es la canción del final de Mirror's Edge?
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19 sep 2015, 19:35
19 sep 2015, 18:43
Autor, que porque hayas escuchado dos canciones que digan "my mind" no quiere decir que todas la digan. Por favor, ten un poco de sentido común y no mandes mierdas como estas.
19 sep 2015, 18:42
Pues porque ahora me da pereza buscar, que si no te ponía mil y un ejemplos...
19 sep 2015, 18:53
Pues se me ocurre la del final de Portal, Still alive.Vaya chorrada de meme.
19 sep 2015, 20:58
"Thunderstruck", "500 miles", "See you again","Blame Canada", "Let her go","Sweet Caroline", "Lean On", "Say it, just say it", "Sun is shinning","Her comes the sun","Wasted","Songs of innocence","Shock me all night long","Too original","Don't stop me now","Dangerous","Something Big","Thrift Shop","Back in black","Imma be","Wake me up","Lollypop","Joker and the thief","Make it bun dem","Timber","Everybody Needs a best friends","Good Feeling","The nights","Waiting for love","The days","The fox","Clarity","You make me","Legacy","Footlose","The time","Hey now","Trumpets","Demons","The man","Am I wrong","Viva la vida", "Blame","Yesterday","Albatroz","Maps","Talk Dirty","Eye of the tiger","Miss alissa","Changes". Estas son unas pocas canciones aliens, y no pongo mas por el limite de caracteres.
19 sep 2015, 19:18
Thurn Down for what, Lean me, Courtesy Call, Dont stop me now, Y otras miles y miles mas, Fredy Mercury hacia canciones Aliens D:
19 sep 2015, 22:49
Sinceramente solo conozco una canción en inglés que diga ''My mind''...
20 sep 2015, 11:28
#11 #11 pedrobece7 dijo: #4 @abca98 ¿Still Alive no es la canción del final de Mirror's Edge?@pedrobece7 También.
19 sep 2015, 23:38
Autor... Tu eres tonto?
21 sep 2015, 14:21
#15 #15 xy64 dijo: Break break break My mind canción de dagames @xy64 i love break my mind
21 sep 2015, 14:20
#8 #8 fetogordo dijo: Sinceramente solo conozco una canción en inglés que diga ''My mind''...@fetogordo la que yo conozcos son dos
break my mind y this is the end
20 sep 2015, 10:44
encontrarias alguna si dejaras de escuchar pop comercial de mierda, anormal
20 sep 2015, 17:00
Break break break My mind canción de dagames
20 sep 2015, 18:49
#6 #6 liscobe dijo: [img][/img]@liscobe una hora riendome jajaja
20 sep 2015, 17:49
#15 #15 xy64 dijo: Break break break My mind canción de dagames @xy64 Lel es cierto
20 sep 2015, 11:26
#7 #7 orejoan dijo: "Thunderstruck", "500 miles", "See you again","Blame Canada", "Let her go","Sweet Caroline", "Lean On", "Say it, just say it", "Sun is shinning","Her comes the sun","Wasted","Songs of innocence","Shock me all night long","Too original","Don't stop me now","Dangerous","Something Big","Thrift Shop","Back in black","Imma be","Wake me up","Lollypop","Joker and the thief","Make it bun dem","Timber","Everybody Needs a best friends","Good Feeling","The nights","Waiting for love","The days","The fox","Clarity","You make me","Legacy","Footlose","The time","Hey now","Trumpets","Demons","The man","Am I wrong","Viva la vida", "Blame","Yesterday","Albatroz","Maps","Talk Dirty","Eye of the tiger","Miss alissa","Changes". Estas son unas pocas canciones aliens, y no pongo mas por el limite de caracteres. @orejoan
20 sep 2015, 09:51
#4 #4 abca98 dijo: Pues se me ocurre la del final de Portal, Still alive.Vaya chorrada de meme.@abca98 ¿Still Alive no es la canción del final de Mirror's Edge?
20 sep 2015, 04:33
pueden decir "my mind" las veces que haga falta si queda una cancion tan buena como "where is my mind" de Pixies
19 sep 2015, 18:51
o the sky
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