Cuánto cabrón / Do you know what drives me crazy?
Enviado por paquitomix05 el 25 may 2020, 12:29

Do you know what drives me crazy?

Peter_griffin - Do you know what drives me crazy?

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#1 por aliciadopico96
27 may 2020, 07:51

"Dives me crazy"? En inglés es "Grinds my Gears", hasta lo pone en la propia imagen.

Do you know what grinds my gears?
People using wrong this template

A favor En contra 5(9 votos)
#2 por cameraman616
27 may 2020, 08:27

#1 #1 aliciadopico96 dijo: "Dives me crazy"? En inglés es "Grinds my Gears", hasta lo pone en la propia imagen.

Do you know what grinds my gears?
People using wrong this template
@roberglez96 Cierto. Últimamente estoy viendo bastantes memes (muchos repetidos y encima pobres) que usan mal las plantillas. Por eso me hago tres preguntas: ¿Quiénes hacen las viñetas?, ¿Quién modera? y ¿Habrá algún rayo de esperanza conocedor del CC dorado que sepa usar bien los memes y siga en activo en esta página?(Seguramente)

A favor En contra 2(6 votos)
#4 por cameraman616
27 may 2020, 09:57

#3 #3 witherbegins dijo: Do you know what fucking grind my gears?Haters in this page.Writers only want to make laugh and it has good intentions.Think about that before saying nothing,piece of morons.@witherbegins I'm gonna write in English so you can understand.

Obviously, we think before each phrase we say and we value the contribution of every author.

Anyway, we're not hating, we're just correcting the author so he/she doesn't make this mistake again, so we're also improving the future content of this page. We know how the memes work, so why shouldn't we share that knowledge with newer members?

A favor En contra 1(3 votos)
#7 por josepeldelosmemes
27 may 2020, 20:58

Inglish .-.

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#6 por cameraman616
27 may 2020, 12:56

#5 #5 witherbegins dijo: Sorry,@cameraman616.My brother just stole me my laptop.Please dont be mad at me for that comment,cause that was my brother.Sorry.@witherbegins Don't worry, I'm not resentful.

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#3 por witherbegins
27 may 2020, 08:56

Do you know what fucking grind my gears?Haters in this page.Writers only want to make laugh and it has good intentions.Think about that before saying nothing,piece of morons.

A favor En contra 2(6 votos)
#5 por witherbegins
27 may 2020, 10:17

Sorry,@cameraman616.My brother just stole me my laptop.Please dont be mad at me for that comment,cause that was my brother.Sorry.

A favor En contra 3(5 votos)

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